The rankings are in and California State University, Stanislaus has placed No. 10 out of 539 universities nationwide and third among universities in the CSU system in terms of providing the most economic mobility for graduates.
“We’re very pleased with the ranking,” said associate vice president for communications and public affairs Tim Lynch. “Simply put, CSU tuition remains one of the best bargains in higher education.”
Created by CollegeNet and Payscale, the purpose of the Social Mobility Index is to highlight college campuses that help eliminate the gap between rich and poor through the provision of affordable higher education.
“California’s economic and social health depends on an educated workforce. One of the CSU’s primary missions is to help develop that educated workforce,” said Lynch.
To reach these rankings, schools are weighted based on criteria including published tuition, family income, graduation rate, reported median early-career salary, and endowment.
According to CollegeNet and Payscale, a high SMI ranking, such as the one received by CSU Stanislaus, means that the campus is making a contribution towards solving economic immobility in the nation.
“Combine the cost of tuition with the high percentage of first-generation, economically challenged students that CSU Stanislaus serves, and you can see why we’re in the top 10 nationally,” said Lynch. “We are growing the next generation of middle-class Americans. That’s a large part of social mobility and that’s something to be proud of.”