For many girls, a new dress is all it takes to get into the holiday spirit.
It is because of this that Pitman High School’s home economics class, the Kiwanis Club of Turlock, and the Salvation Army have collaborated for one sole purpose: providing little girls in need with handmade dresses just in time for the holiday season.
According to home economics teacher Anne Cornell, the collaboration began the first years PHS opened its doors in 2002. At the time, the department was approached by Larry Schmidt of the Kiwanis Club, who asked if the class would be interested in making the dresses, granted that the club provided the fabric.
“This is a win-win situation for the students,” said Cornell. “They are learning basic sewing skills that will ultimately benefit another who is in need.”
At a discounted price, the Kiwanis Club purchased holiday fabric from Cloth and Quilts and in turn handed it over to Cornell, who guided her students on how to sew the dresses.
With the completion of the built-in classroom assignment, which took one week, Cornell’s sewing students were able to produce a total of 28 dresses, ranging from sizes two through eight. The finished products will be transported to the Salvation Army, who will distribute them as they see fit.
“I like sewing and I had a lot of fun,” said freshman Julia Berry. “It’s even better that I know it’s going to a good cause.”
“It’s a great way to learn how to sew and during Christmas a little girl will have a dress,” commented freshman Hannah Pimentel. “I hope the girls will benefit from this and I really hope they like them.”
With the newly made dresses on their way to local, underprivileged girls, Cornell and her students will once again put their hands to work during the academic year to sew more dresses before the Easter holiday.