The Turlock Unified School District Board of Trustees will consider making some major changes to the Osborn Two-Way Immersion Academy at their next meeting on Tuesday.
“The information being shared on Tuesday evening is a draft proposal that includes various options and considerations for increasing opportunities for TUSD students,” said assistant superintendent of educational services Dana Trevethan. “No definitive plans have or will be made without direction from our school board and input collected at subsequent parent/community meetings to be held during the month of February.”
At least one parent is concerned about what those changes might mean.
Jeff Kettering said he heard that the district is considering placing the school’s entire sixth grade class at Dutcher Middle School as early as the next academic year.
“The majority of parents that I have spoken to are not in favor of this change, and some are waiting to see what the process will look like,” said Kettering. “In my personal opinion, I don’t believe that 11 year olds should be on the same campus with kids getting ready to go to high school. There are different maturity levels.”
Trevethan did not give any details on the proposal and the supplementary presentation for the agenda item has not been posted on the school district’s website as of Friday.
For over 20 years, Osborn’s bilingual immersion program has helped thousands of students become fluent in both English and Spanish. It was because of the two-way immersion program’s success that the district decided to make Osborn a magnet school in 2009.
As the only one of its kind in the district, the dual immersion program has garnered a waiting list filled with hopeful students vying to attend the academy.
The TUSD Board of Trustees will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the TUSD Professional Development Center at 1100 Cahill Ave.