Water Awareness Month began during California’s drought from 1987-1992. It was developed by the State Department of Water Resources and the Association of California Water Agencies to educate the public on the importance of efficient water use and conservation efforts.
During the month of May, the City of Turlock encourages residents to stay focused on water conservation. Even with the recent rain, we are still in a drought and it is important to do everything we can to help sustain a long lasting water supply.
And remember, as the weather begins to warm and the time to turn on irrigation systems arrives, the City’s watering schedule is limited to two days per week. Addresses ending in an odd number may water on Wednesday and Sunday. Even numbered addresses may water on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Beginning June 1, watering is prohibited from the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
For more information on the City’s watering schedule or for water conservation tips and ideas, visit the City of Turlock website at www.CityofTurlock.org. For questions or additional information, please contact Municipal Services at 209-668-5590. Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.
Take Pride in Turlock Free Disposal Day and Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Drop-Off Event: The annual Take Pride in Turlock free disposal day will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Turlock Transfer Station located at 1200 S. Walnut. For household hazardous waste disposal, the mobile HHW drop-off event will take place from 8 a.m. to noon May 13 and 14, at 901 S. Walnut Rd.