The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is sponsoring Afton Liddell, Ms. Idaho, to speak to their youth group Saturday, about her experience in the Ms. United States pageant.
National attention was given to Ms. Idaho last July along with fellow contestant Ms. Virginia for their personal moral standards that convinced the Ms. United States pageant officials to allow the two to wear modest attire.
“I think that Ms. Idaho will have a big impression on [our youth group] because she has kept her beliefs and moral character despite pressures around her to change and conform,” said Scott Renshaw, youth group leader for the LDS church in Turlock. “They’ll be able to compare Liddell’s experience to peer pressures that they may face, and be able to react with what they believe to be true in their hearts.”
Two Turlock High School students, Jessica Gauthier and Payton Steeley, made the arrangements for Liddell to speak to their youth group.
“The girls were so impressed with Liddell that they took the initiative and thought it would be a great thing to contact her,” said Renshaw. “With the help of our Bishop, Will Harris, and the congregation the girls were able to put this together.”
The event, “Living Intentionally” is open to the public and will take place at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, at the LDS church, at 4300 Geer Rd. in Turlock.