The firefighters will be wearing and selling specially designed pink T-shirts in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout the month of October. All the funds go to the Bill & Elsie Ahlem Cancer Endowment. Shirts will be available for purchase at the gift shop at Emanuel Medical Center. Last year’s efforts brought in more than $20,000 for the endowment and over the years the fundraising campaign has netted more than $80,000 in funds.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s State Cancer Profiles showed that Stanislaus County had a rate of 313 breast cancer diagnosis per year.
The Turlock Journal encourages community members, businesses and organizations to support the firefighters’ efforts and then take a photo of their group wearing the signature pink shirts and post it with the hashtag: #turlockgoespink. The Journal will share all the #turlockgoespink photos on its social media sites.