On June 26, Chad Christopher Theis stopped suffering in this world and is finally resting peacefully. His death was sudden and took place at his home in Turlock, Ca. He will be sorely missed by friends and family.
Chad,born December 18, 1980, grew up in Apple Valley, Ca (high desert) and graduated high school alongside his many friends. He attended and graduated Victor Valley Community college, majoring in plant sciences. He went on to earn high marks at UC Riverside to study Botany. Chad fell ill to adult onset schizophrenia near the end of his college career. When asked why he was leaving school, he was told he could get into any university in the country because of his grades. During his studies, he was passionate about working with governmental agencies in the Mojave Desert and asked he be able ‘to go back to the land’. After his illness, he was unable to do those things that he loved. Anyone who had a conversation with Chad would undoubtedly note his sizeable intellect and his sharp, insightful comments and know that he didn’t suffer fools. He was a master botanist and being out in nature was his favorite thing to do. Chad enjoyed hiking in Peru, and scuba diving near Catalina.
Chad was preceded in death by his younger step-brother, Jon Phillips (2005). He is survived by his father, Michael, his step-mom, Kimberlie, his younger brother Gus, and his wife and daughter, Kaitlyn and Skylar, his older sister Mikki, and his mother, Susan and her husband, Buzz. There are numerous aunts and uncles, both in Turlock, and in Ohio, where his father hailed from when he initially settled in Apple Valley. Among many friends, his closest of late are Austin, Charley, and Bill and his wife.
Chad has requested he be interred in the wild places of the earth and there will be no burial or funeral services. There will be two memorial get-together at Dad’s House:
Sunday, July 8, 6pm to 8pm and again on July 11 at 6pm to 8pm at 4523 Fosberg Rd, Turlock. For questions: 988-1806 and 417-0055.
The latter will be 420-friendly, because that is what Chad would be comfortable with. Please come. Choose the earlier time if anyone is uncomfortable with marijuana.
If anyone is interested in making charitable donations, please consider any local animal rescue. NAMI-National Alliance on Mental Illness.