In response to the article in Wednesday’s Journal, “Blaze burns Crowell School classrooms;” First and foremost our family would like to thank the teachers and staff for keeping our grandson Aaron Murray and all the other boys and girls safe during this time. Thank God they had their fire escape plans in place.
Second, we tip our hats off to the first responders, the Turlock Fire Department and Turlock Police Department. To all the children that attend Crowell School, you all listened and got out safely and you deserve recognition.
To the construction company, it is our opinion as grandparents and parents of children who attend this school that to avoid putting our children in harm’s way, we call on you as concerned citizens in this community to cease any and all construction during school hours. We have weekends, vacation days, and after school hours, and the entire summer. If it takes longer, so what. Saving our children’s lives and preventing any harm to them is worth it.
— Myra DeMartini