The University of California in San Diego uses solar panels to shade parking lots.
What are the possibilities for Turlock?
Imagine each of our city parking lots with shade covers that protect our cars from summer sun and winter rain. And each of these protective covers also generates electricity that we sell, thus providing an income stream for our community. What other possibilities?
We could work together so that future parking lots of new businesses and even existing businesses use these “solar trees” for shade as well. Can you imagine the parking lots of the big box stores on Countryside Drive as shaded solar money makers shared by the businesses and the city?
Now imagine most the cities of the Valley doing the same thing. That’s a lot of solar panels. Part of the whole project should be the recruitment or outright creation of a solar panel manufacturing plant in Turlock. We, the people of Turlock, will benefit from the shaded parking lots and from the sale of the electricity, and from the sales tax from the sale of the panels, and most of all from the creation of jobs in the solar panel manufacturing plant. Also, the reputation of Turlock as a forward looking and creative city could bring even more jobs in other industries as companies look for new locations for future expansion.
With local advancements like high speed rail and alternative energy industries, the future is waiting for the firm grasp of leadership in Turlock. While some people look backwards and want only to cut services and fire workers, we could instead have leaders who look forward and take action.
— Dale Parkinson