A death threat sent to a Hughson teenager via a text message was sent by a 10-year-old classmate, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department.
The 10-year-old was not arrested, but the case has been referred to the Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office, which will determine if a charge of making criminal threats should be filed against the child.
The incident began when a 14-year-old girl received a text message on Aug. 17 that stated she would die at school the next day.
The cell phone number on the text was not known to the girl. The Hughson Police Services and Emily Ross School in Hughson were both notified of the text.
Detective Jesse Tovar and Deputy Dennis Wallace began to interview students and authored search warrants to identify who had sent the text message. Detective Tovar found that a 10 year-old boy had the cell phone and it belonged to his mother. During the course of the investigation Detective Tovar learned the 10 year-old boy attended Emily Ross Middle School and that he had sent the text message as a joke.
The Hughson Unified School District also was told of the investigation and the findings, according to the sheriff’s department.