Denair Middle School seventh-grade students were big winners at The Stanislaus County Academic Pentathlon, held last Saturday in Modesto. The Pentathlon is a one-day, five-event competition for county seventh and eighth grade students. After weeks of coaching, studying and preparation, students gather and are tested on their knowledge in literature, math, science, social science, speech and essay writing. Other local seventh grade winners included Sarah Reedy (TJHS- silver in social-science) and Zac Worsham (TJHS- silver in super quiz). Eighth grade winners were Jacob Faulder (TJHS- gold in social-science, bronze in essay), Irvin Ochoa (TJHS- bronze in essay, bronze in super quiz), Mirella Lopez (TJHS- gold in alternate), Josh Rodriguez (silver in super quiz) and Briana Castrejon (Keyes Charter- bronze in math).
Pentathlon athletes bring home top honors