As the City of Turlock strives to meet the State’s 32 percent water reduction requirements, our city parks, medians and facility landscapes are the most visibly impacted areas of the City’s conservation efforts.
The City has implemented various alternative irrigation strategies for landscape maintenance, and it is likely that further reductions may be necessary in order to meet the target.
Great efforts have been made to reduce potable water usage for landscape and outdoor watering applications throughout the City. The following are examples of some of the City’s most significant water conservation efforts:
· The East Christoffersen Parkway medians are landscaped with artificial turf, therefore, no landscape irrigation is needed. Trees growing throughout this area are watered with an underground bubbler system.
· Other medians along Christoffersen Parkway and Monte Vista Avenue that have grass are no longer watered. Alternate means of water are being used to water the trees.
· Medians throughout the rest of the City have drought resistant plants and trees that are be watered with micro sprays or drip systems.
· Pedretti Park is irrigated with non-potable water and recycled water.
· Turlock Regional Sports Complex and Donnelly Park are irrigated with non-potable water.
· Northeast area of Turlock, including the basins and medians are irrigated with non-potable water.
In May, two shallow irrigation wells in the North East part of town went out of service. The City was able to bring one of the wells back into service, however, the reliance on this individual well causes a significant loss of pressure to the delivery system. Therefore, residents will see more frequent watering in this particular area. It is important to note though, that is water is from a non-potable water source and not part of the City’s drinking water supply.
For more information on the City’s water conservation efforts call the Municipal Services Department at (209) 668-5590 or visit the City website at Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.
Water softening systems: Water-softening systems are usually unnecessary, but if you do have one, save water and salt by running the minimum amount of regeneration necessary to maintain water softness. Turn softeners off while on vacation.