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What is happening to dedicated city employees?
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The citizens of Turlock deserve some answers.  Long-term employees of the City of Turlock just keep disappearing from their departments and jobs.  There are no explanations, though often it seems that there are allegations made against them just before they are “unavailable for comment.”  What kind of ‘back room deals’ are being made by the City?  Why is any of this happening?  What kind of plans are being put in the works ‘behind closed doors’ without any opportunity for public input as to what we really care about and value? 

Are departments like Parks and Recreation being stripped of all the qualified professional supervision we have had so the City Council can find budgetary reasons to outsource this work?  Do loyalty and commitment to our community and its citizens by employees matter so little these days?  When did fairness, justice, and reason go out the window? 

We do deserve some answers, but I fear we have already gotten what we deserve due to our ignorance — the loss of devoted employees and fellow citizens who truly cared about Turlock!  Who is next?

— Felica Renshaw