Turlock Unified School District’s Board of Trustees and administrators met during a Special Meeting on Monday night to discuss recent data from the California Department of Education’s Dashboard website, which shows schools’ achievement ratings in several key categories, and develop a plan of action to address those results.
The Dashboard site displays statewide data based on status (how each school or district performed) and change (how much they have improved since the last year), with performance levels indicated by color ranging from red as the lowest and blue as the highest.
Of TUSD’s nine elementary schools, only one campus met the state standards for both English Language Arts and Mathematics — Walnut Elementary School. While no other elementary schools met the standard for either subject, every campus but Crowell Elementary School either maintained or increased their achievement levels since 2017.
New to the Dashboard site this year was the chronic absenteeism metric, which counts the percent of the schools’ students who missed at least 10 percent of the school year. Every school either maintained or decreased the amount of chronically absent students on campus, save for Wakefield Elementary School, which saw 16.3 percent of students chronically absent for an increase of 3.6 percent.
Turlock’s two high schools continue to perform well in English Language Arts, with both campuses performing above the state standard, though each school continues to struggle in mathematics and perform below standards.
To view each school’s report in its entirety, visit https://www.caschooldashboard.org/.
Crowell Elementary School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Orange
60 points below standard; Declined 6 points
Mathematics — Orange
83.3 points below standard; Declined 10.8 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Yellow
12.8 percent chronically absent; Declined 6.4 percent
Cunningham Elementary School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Orange
58.9 points below standard; Maintained by 2.6 points
Mathematics — Orange
66.7 points below standard; Maintained by 0.6 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Yellow
14.1 percent chronically absent; Declined 4.2 percent
Dennis G. Earl Elementary School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Yellow
28.7 points below standard; Increased 3 points
Mathematics — Orange
51.2 points below standard; Maintained by 1.2 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Green
7.7 percent chronically absent; Declined 0.9 percent
Julien Elementary School
(Gifted and Talented Education Program location/ Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Yellow
14.6 points below standard; Increased 8 points
Mathematics — Yellow
35.2 points below standard; Increased 3.3 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Green
8.6 percent chronically absent; Declined 0.7 percent
Osborn Two-Way Immersion Academy
(Dual language immersion magnet school)
English Language Arts — Orange
48.9 points below standard; Maintained by 1.5 points
Mathematics —Yellow
47.5 points below standard; Increased by 9.7 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Blue
2.3 percent chronically absent; Maintained by 0.2 percent
Sandra Tovar Medeiros Elementary School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Yellow
7.7 points below standard; Increased 11.5 points
Mathematics — Green
19.6 points below standard; Increased 5.7 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Green
6.1 percent chronically absent; Declined 3.2 percent
Wakefield Elementary School
(Dual language immersion magnet school/Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Red
70.1 points below standard; Maintained by 0 points
Mathematics — Orange
92.1 points below standard; Maintained by 1.8 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Red
16.3 percent chronically absent; Increased 3.6 percent
Walnut Elementary School
(Science and Arts magnet school)
English Language Arts — Green
23.4 points above standard; Increased 4.3 points
Mathematics — Green
6.1 points above standard; Increased 6.4 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Blue
2.4 percent chronically absent; Declined 0.8 percent
Walter M. Brown Elementary School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Yellow
34.9 points below standard; Increased 9.6 points
Mathematics — Yellow
80.6 points below standard; Increased 4.1 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Green
8.4 percent chronically absent; Declined 3.2 percent
Turlock Junior High School
(Citywide school)
English Language Arts — Orange
10.4 points below standard; Declined 8.1 points
Mathematics — Orange
60.5 points below standard; Declined 10.5 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Yellow
14.4 percent chronically absent; Declined 1 percent
Marvin A. Dutcher Middle School
(Dual language immersion magnet/Performing Arts magnet
English Language Arts — Yellow
3.4 points below standard; Declined 5.4 points
Mathematics — Orange
51.6 points below standard; Maintained by 2 points
Chronic Absenteeism — Orange
8.4 percent chronically absent; Increased 0.5 percent
Turlock High School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Blue
40.4 points above standard; Increased 17.3 points
Mathematics — Orange
62.8 points below standard; Declined 4.2 points
Graduation Rate — Yellow
94.2 percent graduated; Declined 2.8 percent
Pitman High School
(Neighborhood school)
English Language Arts — Green
39.6 points above standard; Declined 7.3 points
Mathematics — Yellow
57.8 points below standard; Declined 6 points
Graduation Rate — Blue
96.3 percent; Maintained by 0.7 percent