Name of business: Off Center on Bonita
Type of business: Charity thrift store
Location: 112 Bonita St., Turlock
Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday
Contact information: @offcenterthrift on Instagram
Specialty: Affordable second-hand furniture
History of business:
Off Center Thrift & Gift has donated over $1 million to the Turlock community since opening in 2007, and the charity doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon with the opening of its second location last week: Off Center on Bonita.
The new spot came about as Off Center Thrift & Gift’s original location on Olive Avenue undergoes changes, said board member Sylvia Cox. Those changes include a lot less room at the charity store, where volunteers sell gently used clothing, books, furniture and more in order to raise funds for local nonprofits.
With the newfound lack of space, the Off Thrift board was able to secure a second location which was formerly used as the Jessica’s House teen building. Planning for Off Center on Bonita began and the store opened Jan. 11, providing 1,000 square feet of new space for the charity to sell furniture and home decor.
“People have been so encouraging to us and coming in and liking what we're doing,” Cox said. “We took a leap of faith 15 years ago, and we feel like we took our second leap of faith with this.”
The new space even has a garden area in the back where Off Center is selling patio furniture and more. The store also has a phone number where those who would like to donate furniture can send their pictures for the donation to be approved before being dropped off. Pictures can be sent to 209-913-0144.
Between the two Off Center stores, Cox believes that the chance for Turlock residents to find valued items at affordable prices has never been higher.
“It’s so fun because the two stores are so different,” she said. “Now we can concentrate on doing two things really, really well instead of having it all together.”