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Community projects bloom under garden clubs care
garden tour pic
Judy and Curtis Greens garden on S. Sperry Road will be featured on the Turlock Garden Clubs tour April 12. - photo by CANDY PADILLA/The Journal

The members of the Turlock Garden Club are busy trimming their plants and pulling any errant weeds as they prepare for their second annual garden tour.

This year’s theme of "A Time to Live, Laugh and Love in Our Gardens" will feature tours of seven unique landscapes in Turlock and Denair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 12. The types of gardens presented in the tour vary from cozy cottage gardens, bountiful English gardens, pristine park-like gardens, and charming country gardens, according to Turlock Garden Club President Carol McRoberts.

“You will view various trees, Redwoods, Deodar Cedar, Birch, Red Tupelo Trees, Orange Pistache, Purple Raywood Ash, Tanyosho Pine, Japanese Maple and a 75-foot Mexican Palm Trees,” McRoberts said. “Some gardens will be small and some will be acres.  One garden will be a Biblical Garden with Bible Passages and many irises.  One garden will show a 100-year-old barn doors used in a patio for texture and visual interest. Another garden will show a true Spanish tradition and heritage.”

The gardens can be viewed in any order. No bathrooms will be available for the public and no children strollers are allowed.  Refreshments and a Raffatunity will be at the park-like garden in the country.

The Turlock Garden Club was founded by Mrs. Gerald James in 1948.  It is a member of the California Garden Club Inc, CGCI Valley Lode District and National Garden Club and currently has 115 members.

The Turlock Garden Club is responsible for several community landscaping projects, including those at Jessica’s House, the Carnegie Arts Center, and the Stanislaus County Fair Horticulture Building area. The club will soon be planting and maintaining the landscape at the Turlock Senior Center, McRoberts said.

Tickets are: Adults $20; children 12 and older $7; and children under 12 are free. Tickets may be purchased at The Greenery in Turlock, West Turf Nursery in Modesto, Morris Nursery in Riverbank or by calling Ticket Chairperson Holli Walker at 620-0406.

The Turlock Garden Club meets monthly at noon on the second Monday at the Turlock Senior Center, at 1191 Cahill Ave. in Turlock except for July and August.  Each meeting starts with a potluck luncheon, followed by a short meeting and then a 45-minute program. Guests are always welcome.