Dear Editor,
As the former youth fundraising chair for the original Skate Park Committee, I’m all for a larger, better park. I do have concerns about its new planned location but I have even more concerns over the fact that we must not forget the people who worked tirelessly to get the Skate Park built to begin with.
There are a handful of kids that worked every car wash, spaghetti dinner and penny drive. They deserve recognition for their efforts and I would like to see a plague with the names of those people added to the design at the new location. While I can appreciate Judith Suliman’s effort to have the Skate Park named after her nephew, there were people who were instrumental in getting the original Skate Park built and their efforts should be memorialized in the new park design.
I would personally like to thank Anthony Taylor, Jonathan Whiting, Daniel Morales and Bryan Huizenga for their help to make the Turlock Skate Park a reality.
These four skate boarders formed a band called 13th Step to raise awareness about the Skate Park and played every venue imaginable in Turlock. After a band name change to Never Ending Hail they went on to win Turlock’s first ever Battle of the Bands. I am asking that they be recognized and included in the new Skate Park design. They certainly deserve the recognition and it should be given without reservation.
— Linda Taylor