On Feb. 13 I attended the boys soccer playoff game between Denair High School and
Millennium High School in Denair. The game was exciting and there were the usual missed goal
opportunities, questionable referee calls and unfortunate inflicted injuries.
The Denair boys team demonstrated their athletic skills and perseverance throughout the entire
game. Both Denair coaches guided the team with diligence and grace and at one point helped
the fans understand why a goal was not valid.
This team did not give up and continued to play with determination and endurance, but
in the end the Millennium team scored a winning goal and ended a very difficult but successful
season for the Denair Coyotes..
After the game I witnessed several Millennium players that ran in unison towards the Denair
home bleachers and tore off a poster and then aggressively taunted the Denair home spectators
that included parents, students and friends. This behavior is extremely disturbing for anyone
coming to watch any game and there was also a player from Millennium that intentionally tore
off his shirt to display his team’s dominance to the Denair bench so what can that really prove?
The Denair coaching staff and their players showed exemplary sportsmanship throughout and
after the game.
I applaud Denair’s team and coaches, they were the real champions of this game because in
my opinion winning is not always about a number on a scoreboard, but about the principles and
values of a team and its players.
— Linda Davenport