I want to express my support for Abe Rojas for reelection to the Yosemite Community College District as Trustee – Area 3.
Abe has proven throughout his years of community service great honesty and integrity. Because of his experience within the scholastic arena here in Turlock and Stanislaus County Abe recognizes the need and importance of the community college for the people in our area.
I am very appreciative of the opportunities that are offered through the community college. The subjects and classes that are available to all who need to advance their educational goals or training are too numerous to mention.
MJC was instrumental in my own education. I attended night classes while raising eleven children. Upon graduation I went on to Stanislaus State earning my bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as my teaching credentials. I then taught at the high school level for over 20 years until retiring with a full pension.
I am very thankful as none of this would have been possible without the help of the Yosemite Community College District programs.
The important part of all of this is that it all began at MJC – Abe understands the need and opportunities for a quality community college for the people in our area.
Abe to me is the prime example of the “American Dream” concept — no matter what humble circumstances you are born into, that through honest effort and hard work you can achieve great things.
Abe has demonstrated through his many accomplishments the satisfaction of being a true public servant. Abe always sees the good in people — never tearing them down, never criticizing but always taking the high road.
Abe has spent his life here in Turlock in many areas of community service. I am proud of him and thankful to be part of his great family.
I urge all voters to consider allowing Abe Rojas to continue doing what he does so well. His years of experience and leadership abilities in public service will greatly enhance the continuing benefits of the Yosemite Community College District.
Ernestine Rojas
Retired Teacher Turlock High School