As a child, patriotism was instilled by our parents, church and school. We revered and respected the flag. Nearly every house flew a flag on holidays, and, businesses daily.
Last Memorial Day I noticed only two houses on my street flew a flag. Neither was mine. I felt ashamed. The following day I bought a flag. I wonder how many other people are like me; enjoying our daily life without regard to those who sacrificed to give it to us.
Since the 1800s we have been involved in wars. Men and women by the thousands have fought and died to keep us free. Yet, we seem to go about our business without once thinking that "at this very moment, someone is dying or laying wounded so that we at home may enjoy freedom."
We worry about bills and taxes, and what the president and his staff have in store for us tomorrow, while our soldiers are fighting for their lives, and trying to keep home safe. It's sad to say that "patriotism" seems to be dying away in this country. How many people in other countries would give all they have to change places with us?
The American flag is a symbol of freedom, a symbol of the many liberties enjoyed in this country. We owe it to those men and women in harm's way somewhere around the globe, as well as those who served in past wars and conflicts, and all those who died for us over the years.
Let us show our brave soldiers we care. Let us renew patriotism by flying our flag, not just on holidays, but every clear day.
'Let Freedom Ring!'
— A.J. Coleman, American Legion Auxiliary