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Stay healthy for 2021

2020 has been quite a year:  devastating fires (e.g., SCU Lightning Complex), violent protests and a record-breaking heat wave.

What about the COVID-19 virus?

A light shone in early November 2020:  Pfizer made a 90% effective vaccine for COVID-19.

Don’t throw away the masks just yet!  Vaccines go through safety tests which can take years and it will not be available to everyone overnight.

A virus did not damage my gait, hearing and speech; a drunken driver hit me in 1992.   I teach people to not drive drunk.  My teaching continues.

Prevent getting and spreading the virus until this vaccine becomes available:

·         Celebrate holidays with few people.  Preferably, those you live with.

·         Use digital platforms (like Zoom) or postage mail to connect with others.

·         Watch religious services on TV or online.  Gatherings can spread the virus causing illness or death.

·         Limit physical interactions with others.  Wear a mask in populated areas and stay 6 feet away from others.

·         Avoid heavy drinking.  If intoxicated, you are more likely to behave in ways that promote the spread of the virus and even drive drunk.

-        Hand washing is your best line of defense.

— Lori Martin