A loose hose connecting a propane tank and a burner ignited a fire that injured one man and damaged a Turlock home.
The fire was reported at 10:34 a.m. Saturday in the 1200 block of Pioneer Avenue.
The Turlock City Fire Department reported that the man was outside cooking on the burner and left it unattended while he went inside for more ingredients.
The connecting hose became loose and started a fire that spread to a fence, and the eaves of the home. The fire spread in to the attic, causing structural and electrical damage.
The man attempted to put out the fire and in the process he received a cut to his big toe and singed his hair, according to the fire department. The man refused transportation to the hospital.
The 14 firefighters took about 20 minutes to extinguish the fire.
The loss of property was estimated at $30,000.
Two people were displaced from the home and were given lodging by the American Red Cross.