In addition to casting their vote for president, Senate, and local races, California voters were asked to weigh in on 17 different propositions that covered the gamut from plastic bags, the death penalty, and marijuana legalization.
PROPOSITION 51 — Authorizes $9 billion in general obligation bonds for public school buildings, charter schools, vocational education facilities and community college campuses. The bonds would be paid off over a 35-year period at a total cost of about $17.6 billion. With 18.5 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m., Prop 51 had 52.3 percent yes votes and 47.7 percent no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 56.17 percent voted yes and 43.83 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts counted.
PROPOSITION 52 — Extends a law that imposes fees on hospitals to fund health care for people with low incomes, primarily the Medi-Cal program that serves a third of Californians. Proposition 52 would indefinitely enshrine the fee in law, making it harder for the Legislature to use the money for other purposes. With 18.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 52 had 70.5 percent yes votes and 29.5 percent no votes. Stanislaus County, with 58.6 percent of the precincts counted, there were 69.02 percent yes votes and 30.98 no votes.
PROPOSITION 53 — Requires voter approval before revenue bonds exceeding $2 billion can be issued. Promoted by a wealthy Stockton farmer and businessman, the measure seeks to block Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to build two tunnels to divert water from the Sacramento River delta for use in Southern California. With 18.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 53 had 49.2 percent yes votes and 50.8 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, with 58.6 percent of the precincts counted, 58.89 percent voted yes and 41.11 percent voted no.
PROPOSITION 54 — Requires the Legislature to publish bills for at least 72 hours before voting on them and to post videos of legislative proceedings online. With 18.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 54 had 62.9 percent yes votes and 37.1 percent no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 66.95 percent voted yes and 33.05 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 55 — Extends a temporary income tax increase on the wealthy for another 12 years, raising an estimated $4 billion to $9 billion per year through 2030 for schools, community colleges, Medi-Cal and budget reserves. Voters first approved the higher tax rates for incomes above $250,000 in 2012. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 55 had 62.3 percent yes votes and 37.7 no votes. In Stanislaus County, 58.11 percent voted yes and 41.89 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 56 — Raises cigarette taxes by $2 to $2.87 per pack and hikes taxes on other tobacco products and nicotine products used with electronic cigarettes. It would raise an estimated $1 billion in the first year, with much of the money earmarked for health care for people with low incomes. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 56 had 62.6 percent yes votes and 37.4 percent no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 51.74 percent voted yes and 48.26 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 57 — Gives corrections officials more say in when criminals are released and strips prosecutors of the power to decide when juveniles should be tried as adults. The measure is promoted by Gov. Jerry Brown. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 57 had 65.6 percent yes votes and 34.4 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 54.02 percent voted yes and 45.98 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 58 — Rolls back California's voter-approved 1998 ban on teaching English learners in any language other than English, giving school districts the option to bring back bilingual education. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 58 had 73.1 percent yes votes and 26.9 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 64.58 percent voted yes and 35.42 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 59 — A nonbinding measure that asks whether California lawmakers should push for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court case, which threw out restrictions on corporate and union political contributions. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 59 had 53.6 yes votes and 46.4 percent no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 57.6 percent voted yes and 42.40 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 60 — Requires that pornography actors wear condoms while filming sexual intercourse and requires porn producers to pay for vaccinations and medical exams for actors who perform in the films. With 19.7 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9 p.m. Prop 60 had 46.8 percent yes votes and 53.2 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 53.54 percent voted yes and 46.46 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 61 — Prohibits the state from paying more than the Veterans Administration for prescription drugs. The measure would apply to health programs for prison inmates, retired government workers and some low-income Californians on Medi-Cal. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 61 had 46.2 percent yes votes and 53.8 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 61.71 percent voted yes and 38.29 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 62 — Repeals the death penalty in California and sets the maximum sentence as life without the possibility of parole. It would apply retroactively to inmates currently on death row. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 62 had 45.6 percent yes votes and 54.4 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 68.51 percent voted yes and 31.49 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 63 — Enacts several gun-control measures, including background checks for ammunition sales and a ban on high-capacity magazines. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 63 had 63.3 percent yes votes and 36.7 no votes. In Stanislaus County, 52.34 voted yes and 47.66 percent voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 64 — Legalizes the use and possession of marijuana for adults 21 or older and creates licensing standards. Revenue from sales and cultivation taxes would pay for youth programs, environmental protection and law enforcement. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 64 had 56 percent yes votes and 44 percent no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 52.65 percent voting yes and 47.35 percent voting no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 65 — Requires that a $0.10 fee for grocery bags be used for environmental programs, redirecting money that now goes to grocers and other retail stores. The measure is promoted by opponents of Proposition 67, which would enact a statewide ban on single-use plastic grocery bags and require a fee for paper and thicker plastic bags used at checkout. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 65 had 45 percent yes votes and 55 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 58.52 voted yes and 41.48 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 66 — Speeds up the appeals process so death-row inmates are executed more quickly. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 66 had 51.6 percent yes votes and 48.4 percent no votes. In Stanislaus County, 60.74 voted yes and 39.26 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
PROPOSITION 67 — Enacts a statewide ban on single-use plastic grocery bags and requires large retailers to charge at least a dime for recycled paper bags and reusable bags. With 19.9 percent of the state precincts reporting at 9:15 p.m. Prop 67 52.6 percent yes votes and 47.4 no votes. Within Stanislaus County, 61.96 voted yes and 38.04 voted no, with 58.6 percent of the precincts reporting.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.