I am the Real Estate Developer who built Monte Vista Crossings, the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and the Marriott Fairfield Inn and Suites in Turlock. Monte Vista Crossings enjoys a reputation as one of the top five open air shopping centers in the Western United States. It is by far the single largest individually owned generator of tax revenue for the City of Turlock. I imagine many people now take for granted this mega-generator of jobs and provider of quality goods and services for the residents of Turlock. This hasn’t always been the case. There were times in years past when this project was in serious peril. I believe citizens of Turlock would be shocked at the number of armed robberies and the amount of petty theft that was occurring at Monte Vista Crossings in the not too distant past. I just want to say that at that time, we could not find any assistance from the City of Turlock, or its police department, in dealing with these serious problems that were scaring away our customers and tenants alike. Not a single City Councilman could or would do anything to assist in defending this important community asset from the darker sides of our society. There was a lot of talk, and no action. I found most all of these politicians to be all hat, and no cattle. Until I found Amy Bublak.
Amy’s law enforcement background, her practical common sense approach and most of all her tireless work ethic, became instrumental in helping us with this problem. She twisted arms and used her influence to make needed changes in the police department at the City , and soon enough, we had the problem under control and our tenants and residents safe. She alone was the only member of City Government to take the problem seriously and tackle it. We will forever be grateful to Amy. She cares about Turlock — she gets it done. And she is hands down the most experienced member of the City Council. I know from firsthand experience that Amy is quality and her integrity is second to none. These days, qualities like these in our elected leaders are in short supply. We need all of this kind of leadership we can get. Please Vote for Amy Bublak in this election.
— Mark D. Hall