The 26th Annual Stanislaus County Occupational Olympics and Career Exposition was held Wednesday at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds in Turlock. More than 800 students from county high schools participated in 23 competitive events. In addition to the events 54 business and industry representatives exhibited and spoke to students during the Career Expo.
Turlock Winners
Large School Overall Winner: TurlockTeam Winners: Turlock (manufacturing/ robotics): Scott Winn, Ariana Godinez, Alex Burdick, Juan Cortes, Daianne Cabrera, Markus Gemperle
THS 1st Place Winners: Madison Hixson (careers in teaching), Austine Reed (machine tool operation), Joseph Delgado (Pitsco drag racing-light weight class), Edgar Alcala (Pitsco drag racing-heavy weight class)
THS 2nd Place Winners: Shelley Millette (fashion design), Alexandria Cruz (hairstyling), Kevin Kamrar (machine tool operation), Joel Mulgado (Pitsco drag racing-light weight class), Jesse Meraz (Pitsco drag racing-heavy weight class), Johnny Olson (welding)
THS 3rd Place Winners: Eugene Silveria (ag equipment technology), Dylan White (machine tool operation), Edwin Rodriguez (Pitsco drag racing-light weight class), Joseph Munoz (Pitsco drag racing-heavy weight class), Brent Souza (Pitsco drag racing- design)
Pitman 1st Place Winners: Preet Hayer (accounting), Louise Hampsmire (floriculture)
Pitman 2nd Place Winners: Gurdit Chahal (accounting), Gabriella Correra (medical occupations)
Pitman 3rd Place Winner: Brian Austin (ag engineering/ construction)