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Water conservation tips for the winter
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There are many more ways to conserve water during the winter than turning off your sprinklers. While turning your sprinklers off will contribute to a majority of your conservation efforts, the following are suggestions for conserving even more water at home other than outside landscape irrigation.

1.       CALL THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO PICK-UP A HOME WATER SURVEY KIT: The City of Turlock Home Water Survey Kit can help you determine your water use as well as learn ways to save water inside and outside your home or business. The Home Water Survey Kit shows users how to read their water meter and use it to:

·         Detect for leaks

·         Evaluate if landscape is being irrigated appropriately

·         Assess the efficiency of water fixtures and appliances

·         Identify water saving opportunities Receive free water conservation devices by completing and returning the "Survey Results Response Form" to the Municipal Services Department.

2. TAKE SHORTER SHOWERS: A typical shower lasts about 8 minutes and uses about 17 gallons. An efficient shower lasts 3 or 4 minutes and uses 7.5 gallons. Create a "shortest shower" contest for your family. Wet down, soap up, rinse off; this can result in 50% less water usage for these activities.

3. REPAIR FAUCETS: Small drips can add up to 100-300 gallons per day. Consider the additional waste if you have more than one leaky faucet in your house. Repair dripping and leaking faucets immediately.

4. INSULATE YOUR WATER PIPES: You will get hot water faster if your water pipes are insulated, plus it will help avoid wasting water while it heats up.

5. HIGH-EFFICIENCY WASHING MACHINE: Your clothes washer is the second largest water user in your home. Energy Star rated washers also have a Water Factor at or lower than 9.5, use 35-50 percent less water, and 50 percent less energy per load. Switch to a high efficiency washing machine and save money on both your water and energy bills.  

Visit the City of Turlock website for more ideas on how to save water at

For questions or additional information, please contact Municipal Services at 209-668-5590. Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.




Turn off your sprinkler system during the winter months.