May is National Bike Month — a perfect time for our community to recognize and celebrate all the benefits of bicycling.
Bicycling keeps us healthy, carries us efficiently from point A to point B; saves us from high gas prices; and makes our air cleaner and our roads less congested.
Bicycling is good for our community and helps address many of our most pressing societal and environmental problems. Bicycling is fun!
Even though this week (May 13-17) is National Bike to Work Week, I encourage you to think of it as Bike to Anywhere Week. According to the national bike group PeopleForBikes, half of all trips Americans make are three miles or less — an easy biking distance.
If more people in our community bike, even just once a week or once a month, we’ll all be better off (even those of us who don’t ride). This month, dust off your bike and give two wheels a try!
— Robert Bell